Createspace independent publishing platform The venus

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The Venus Return is calculated for the exact moment in time, every 9 to 18 months, that Venus returns to the same position it was in at the moment of your birth.This remarkably revealing astrological forecasting technique can be used to characterize what's
  • ISBN - 9781477646878
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 112

Najlepsza cena - najtańsza oferta
The Venus Return: Predictive Astrology for Love & Enjoyment 59.08 DO SKLEPU
The Venus Return is calculated for the exact moment in time, every 9 to 18 months, that Venus returns to the same position it was in at the moment of your birth.This remarkably revealing astrological forecasting technique can be used to characterize what's
  • ISBN - 9781477646878
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 112
  • Rok wydania - 2012