Disrupting data governance marki Technics publications

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Data governance is broken. It's time we fix it. Why is data governance so ineffective? The truth is data governance programs aren't designed for the way we run our data teams, they aren't even designed for a modern organi
  • ISBN - 9781634626538
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 180

Najlepsza cena - najtańsza oferta

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Disrupting Data Governance 115.11 DO SKLEPU
Data governance is broken. It's time we fix it. Why is data governance so ineffective? The truth is data governance programs aren't designed for the way we run our data teams, they aren't even designed for a modern organi
  • ISBN - 9781634626538
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 180
  • Rok wydania - 2020