Ebury publishing Doctor who: the stone

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A 2,000 year old statue of Rose Tyler is a mystery that the Doctor and Rose can only solve żeby travelling back to the time when it was made. But when they do, they find the mystery is deeper and more complicated than they imagined. While the Doctor searches for a missing boy, Rose befriends a girl who it seems can accurately predict the future.
  • ISBN - 9781849909068
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 224

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Doctor Who: The Stone Rose 70.59 DO SKLEPU
A 2,000 year old statue of Rose Tyler is a mystery that the Doctor and Rose can only solve żeby travelling back to the time when it was made. But when they do, they find the mystery is deeper and more complicated than they imagined. While the Doctor searches for a missing boy, Rose befriends a girl who it seems can accurately predict the future.
  • ISBN - 9781849909068
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 224
  • Rok wydania - 2015