Harry by the sea marki Penguin

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Harry and the family have gone to the beach but it's too sunny and he's one hot dog! There's nowhere else for him to get some shade than under a pile of seaweed! The only problem is that now everyone thinks he's a sea monster and he can't find his family. This is the third classic story from the Harry series and is as fresh and funny as when it was first written.
  • ISBN - 9780099189718
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 32

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Harry By The Sea 38.62 DO SKLEPU
Harry and the family have gone to the beach but it's too sunny and he's one hot dog! There's nowhere else for him to get some shade than under a pile of seaweed! The only problem is that now everyone thinks he's a sea monster and he can't find his family. This is the third classic story from the Harry series and is as fresh and funny as when it was first written.
  • ISBN - 9780099189718
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 32
  • Rok wydania - 1994