Hot licks for bluegrass guitar marki

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(Music Sales America). Over 350 authentic bluegrass licks are included in this book, which also discusses how to apply the licks to create your own solos and expand your musical understanding and knowledge of the fingerboard. It features special sections o
  • ISBN - 9780825602917
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 176

Najlepsza cena - najtańsza oferta
Hot Licks for Bluegrass Guitar 104.13 DO SKLEPU
(Music Sales America). Over 350 authentic bluegrass licks are included in this book, which also discusses how to apply the licks to create your own solos and expand your musical understanding and knowledge of the fingerboard. It features special sections o
  • ISBN - 9780825602917
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 176
  • Rok wydania - 1991