I Ching: The Book of Changes

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I Ching was among "the five classics" edited by Confucius, and the philosopher is reputed to have wished for fifty more years of life to study it. The Book of Changes, as it is known in the Western world, dates back to before 1,000 B.C. And r
  • ISBN - 9780486832586
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 480

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Libristo.pl Libristo.pl
I Ching: The Book of Changes 70.87 DO SKLEPU
I Ching was among "the five classics" edited by Confucius, and the philosopher is reputed to have wished for fifty more years of life to study it. The Book of Changes, as it is known in the Western world, dates back to before 1,000 B.C. And r
  • ISBN - 9780486832586
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 480
  • Rok wydania - 2019