I love being the enemy marki

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Reggie Miller on the New York Knicks: I'm telling you right now, I hate the Knicks. Absolutely hate those kids....Face it: The Knicks are dirty players. Let me take the back. They're not dirty players, but when things aren't going New York's way, they're going to do whatever it takes to win.

And if that means hurting someone, then they'll do it. I'm not going to say that's dirty, but sometimes they take it to the extreme.On the ...

  • ISBN - 9780684870397
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 288

Najlepsza cena - najtańsza oferta

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I Love Being the Enemy 74.12 DO SKLEPU

Reggie Miller on the New York Knicks: I'm telling you right now, I hate the Knicks. Absolutely hate those kids....Face it: The Knicks are dirty players. Let me take the back. They're not dirty players, but when things aren't going New York's way, they're going to do whatever it takes to win.

And if that means hurting someone, then they'll do it. I'm not going to say that's dirty, but sometimes they take it to the extreme.On the mental side of the game: Everybody in the NBA knows how to play basketball or else they wouldn't be there.

But what separates the good players from the great players is their mental capacity, not only to overcome their opponent, but to get through the tough spots...I always feel mentally stronger than any opponent I step on the same floor with.

He might have more talent than I do, but I don't think anybody is mentally stronger than me. I'll match wills with anybody.On determination:

  • ISBN - 9780684870397
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 288
  • Rok wydania - 1999