I talk like a river marki

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What if words got stuck in the back of your mouth whenever you tried to speak? What if they never came out the way you wanted them to? Sometimes it takes a change of perspective to get the words flowing. I wake up each morning with the sounds
  • ISBN - 9780823445592
  • Oprawa - twarda
  • Ilość stron - 40

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I Talk Like a River 72.18 DO SKLEPU
What if words got stuck in the back of your mouth whenever you tried to speak? What if they never came out the way you wanted them to? Sometimes it takes a change of perspective to get the words flowing. I wake up each morning with the sounds
  • ISBN - 9780823445592
  • Oprawa - twarda
  • Ilość stron - 40
  • Rok wydania - 2020