Jugamos en Espaňol: El Gran Juego de los Números

Przepraszamy, produkt, którego szukałeś jest tymczasowo niedostępny. Czekamy na dostawę...

A fun and useful bingo-style game based on observing and matching the cards and boards with the numbers. It enables students to memorize and practise cardinal and ordinal numbers in an enjoyableand engaging way. (CEFR A1-B1) The box contains: - 133 cards with cardinal numbers from 1 to 100 - 20 cards with numbers between 0 to 100,000 - 12 cards with ordinal numbers from 1st to 12th - 36 boards to play different versions of bingo The instructions booklet provides suggestions for ...
  • ISBN - 9788853628053
  • Rok wydania - 2020