Level 3: The Horse Whisperer Book

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Contemporary / British EnglishOne winter's morning in New York State, there is an accident on an icy mountain road. Thirteen-year-old Grace and her much-loved horse, Pilgrim, are very badly hurt. Grace's mother beleives her daughter will only recover if her horse can be saved. Can Pilgrim be nursed back to health? Can the Horse Whisperer work his magic?
  • ISBN - 9781447967538
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 92

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Level 3: The Horse Whisperer Book & Multi-ROM with MP3 Pack 70.39 DO SKLEPU
Contemporary / British EnglishOne winter's morning in New York State, there is an accident on an icy mountain road. Thirteen-year-old Grace and her much-loved horse, Pilgrim, are very badly hurt. Grace's mother beleives her daughter will only recover if her horse can be saved. Can Pilgrim be nursed back to health? Can the Horse Whisperer work his magic?
  • ISBN - 9781447967538
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 92
  • Rok wydania - 2017