Mr. men little miss in scotland

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Mr Strong is taking part in the Highland Games in Scotland and on the way, him and his friends decide to take in the sights. They all have different ideas about what to see on their tour - Little Miss Splendid wants to visit a Woollen Mill, Mr Uppity demands to see Edinburgh castle and Little Miss Greedy wants to try haggis! But will Mr Strong manage to win the competition to become ultimate Highland Games champion?
  • ISBN - 9781405292825
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 32

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Mr. Men Little Miss in Scotland 25.26 DO SKLEPU
Mr Strong is taking part in the Highland Games in Scotland and on the way, him and his friends decide to take in the sights. They all have different ideas about what to see on their tour - Little Miss Splendid wants to visit a Woollen Mill, Mr Uppity demands to see Edinburgh castle and Little Miss Greedy wants to try haggis! But will Mr Strong manage to win the competition to become ultimate Highland Games champion?
  • ISBN - 9781405292825
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 32
  • Rok wydania - 2019