Pip and posy: the super scooter

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Pip's playing happily with his scooter in the park, when Posy comes along and decides she wants to have a go. She snatches it and scoots off, but she fall off, and Pip comes to her rescue with a plaster. Posy says she's sorry, and after a hug, they play in the soft sand.
  • ISBN - 9780857634429
  • Ilość stron - 26
  • Rok wydania - 2015

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Pip and Posy: The Super Scooter 31.01 DO SKLEPU
Pip's playing happily with his scooter in the park, when Posy comes along and decides she wants to have a go. She snatches it and scoots off, but she fall off, and Pip comes to her rescue with a plaster. Posy says she's sorry, and after a hug, they play in the soft sand.
  • ISBN - 9780857634429
  • Ilość stron - 26
  • Rok wydania - 2015