Pride & Prejudice: Music from the

4,64 1
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(Piano Solo Songbook). 12 piano pieces from the 2006 Oscar-nominated film, including: Another Dance * Darcy's Letter * Dawn * Georgiana * Leaving Netherfield * Liz on Top of the World * Meryton Townhall * The Secret Life of Daydreams * Stars and Butterflie
  • ISBN - 9781423411130
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 40

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Pride & Prejudice: Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack 80.94 DO SKLEPU
(Piano Solo Songbook). 12 piano pieces from the 2006 Oscar-nominated film, including: Another Dance * Darcy's Letter * Dawn * Georgiana * Leaving Netherfield * Liz on Top of the World * Meryton Townhall * The Secret Life of Daydreams * Stars and Butterflie
  • ISBN - 9781423411130
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 40
  • Rok wydania - 2006