Quantumscapes: the art of stephan martiniere

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The author is an internationally renowned Science Fiction and Fantasy artist. He is the recipient of numerous awards including a silver and a gold Spectrum Award, eight Master Awards, and an Excellence Expose Award. He is also an accomplished concept artist who has worked on such movies as "I Robot", "Star Wars Episodes II & III", "Red Planet".
  • ISBN - 9781933492513
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 95

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Quantumscapes: The Art of Stephan Martiniere 78.26 DO SKLEPU
The author is an internationally renowned Science Fiction and Fantasy artist. He is the recipient of numerous awards including a silver and a gold Spectrum Award, eight Master Awards, and an Excellence Expose Award. He is also an accomplished concept artist who has worked on such movies as "I Robot", "Star Wars Episodes II & III", "Red Planet".
  • ISBN - 9781933492513
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 95
  • Rok wydania - 2012