The mortal instruments 02: city of

3,27 1
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This is the second book in the bestselling urban fantasy trilogy, "The Mortal Instruments".With her mother in a coma and her father hell-bent on destroying the world, Clary is dragged deeper into New York's terrifying underworld of werewolves, demons and the mysterious Shadowhunters.

Discovering the truth about her past was only the beginning, now Clary must save the world from her own father - the rogue Shadowhunter Valentine. With two of the Mortal Instruments at his command, Valentine is assembling ...

  • ISBN - 9781406307634
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Autor - Cassandra Clare

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The Mortal Instruments 02: City of Ashes 40.57 DO SKLEPU

This is the second book in the bestselling urban fantasy trilogy, "The Mortal Instruments".With her mother in a coma and her father hell-bent on destroying the world, Clary is dragged deeper into New York's terrifying underworld of werewolves, demons and the mysterious Shadowhunters.

Discovering the truth about her past was only the beginning, now Clary must save the world from her own father - the rogue Shadowhunter Valentine. With two of the Mortal Instruments at his command, Valentine is assembling an army of demons to wage war on the council of Shadowhunters and destroy them once and for all.

As the battle begins, Clary must face her darkest fears - and come to terms with her feelings for a boy she wishes wasn't her brother.

  • ISBN - 9781406307634
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Autor - Cassandra Clare
  • Wydawnictwo - Walker & Company
  • Ilość stron - 416
  • Rok wydania - 2008