Vintage publishing Written on the body

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Written on the Body is a secret code only visible in certain lights: the accumulation of a lifetime gather there. In places the palimpsest is so heavily worked that the letters feel like braille. I like to keep my body rolled away from prying eyes, never unfold too much, tell the whole story. I didn't know that Louise would have reading hands. She has translated me into her own book.
  • ISBN - 9780099598275
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Autor - Winterson, Jeanette

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Written on the Body 35.44 DO SKLEPU
Written on the Body is a secret code only visible in certain lights: the accumulation of a lifetime gather there. In places the palimpsest is so heavily worked that the letters feel like braille. I like to keep my body rolled away from prying eyes, never unfold too much, tell the whole story. I didn't know that Louise would have reading hands. She has translated me into her own book.
  • ISBN - 9780099598275
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Autor - Winterson, Jeanette
  • Wydawnictwo - Vintage
  • Ilość stron - 192
  • Rok wydania - 2014