Warner bros pubns Beyond bop drumming

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Beyond Bop Drumming is John Riley's exciting follow-up to the critically acclaimed Art of Bop Drumming. Based on the drumming advancements of the post-bop period of the 1960s, the book and audio topics include: broken time playing, ride-cymbal variations, up-tempo unison ideas, implied time metric modulation, solo ideas, solo analysis, complete transcriptions, and play-along tunes.
  • ISBN - 9781576236093
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 78

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Beyond Bop Drumming 100.67 DO SKLEPU
Beyond Bop Drumming is John Riley's exciting follow-up to the critically acclaimed Art of Bop Drumming. Based on the drumming advancements of the post-bop period of the 1960s, the book and audio topics include: broken time playing, ride-cymbal variations, up-tempo unison ideas, implied time metric modulation, solo ideas, solo analysis, complete transcriptions, and play-along tunes.
  • ISBN - 9781576236093
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 78
  • Rok wydania - 1997