Warpath: A Story of the 345th

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This facsimile reprint of the very rare 345th Bombardment Group (M) war book appears here in a new quality edition. The 345th Bombardment Group, the famed Air Apaches, flew against the Japanese in heavily armed B-25s in hair-raising low level bombing and strafing attacks.
  • ISBN - 9780764302183
  • Oprawa - twarda
  • Ilość stron - 304

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Warpath: A Story of the 345th Bombardment Group in WWII 161.28 DO SKLEPU
This facsimile reprint of the very rare 345th Bombardment Group (M) war book appears here in a new quality edition. The 345th Bombardment Group, the famed Air Apaches, flew against the Japanese in heavily armed B-25s in hair-raising low level bombing and strafing attacks.
  • ISBN - 9780764302183
  • Oprawa - twarda
  • Ilość stron - 304
  • Rok wydania - 1997