Zoe's Rescue Zoo: The Curious Kangaroo

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Zoe loves living at her uncle's rescue zoo because there is always something exciting going on. And Zoe has an amazing secret... She can actually TALK to the animals! Bouncer the baby kangaroo is new to the rescue zoo, and she's interested in everything and everyone! But will the little joey's curiosity get her into big trouble...?
  • ISBN - 9781788001489
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 128

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Zoe's Rescue Zoo: The Curious Kangaroo 29.47 DO SKLEPU
Zoe loves living at her uncle's rescue zoo because there is always something exciting going on. And Zoe has an amazing secret... She can actually TALK to the animals! Bouncer the baby kangaroo is new to the rescue zoo, and she's interested in everything and everyone! But will the little joey's curiosity get her into big trouble...?
  • ISBN - 9781788001489
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 128
  • Rok wydania - 2018