Karl von Frisch Bees

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Według internetowych rankingów, cena tego produkut waha się w okolicach 176 zł. Jak Ty oceniasz ?
Now back in print after more than two decades, this classic and still-accurate account of the behavior patterns and sensory capacities of the honeybee remains a book "written with a simplicity, directness, and charm...."--Yale Review
  • ISBN - 9780801491269
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 176

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Karl von Frisch - Bees 174.37 DO SKLEPU
Now back in print after more than two decades, this classic and still-accurate account of the behavior patterns and sensory capacities of the honeybee remains a book "written with a simplicity, directness, and charm...."--Yale Review
  • ISBN - 9780801491269
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 176