Pathfinder FlipMat Classics: Swamp

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Even adventurers who are right at home fighting dragons feel uneasy in the swamp, where quicksand beckons and one can never be sure what might lurk in the undergrowth. It's the perfect place for putrid encounters sure to put your players on edge.
  • ISBN - 9781601257765
  • Rok wydania - 2015

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Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics: Swamp 61.58 DO SKLEPU
Even adventurers who are right at home fighting dragons feel uneasy in the swamp, where quicksand beckons and one can never be sure what might lurk in the undergrowth. It's the perfect place for putrid encounters sure to put your players on edge.
  • ISBN - 9781601257765
  • Rok wydania - 2015