642 things about you (that i

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This journal extends the bestselling 642 Series and in particular the very popular tiny format. Capitalizing on the tiny formats impulse giftiness, 642 THINGS ABOUT YOU (THAT I LOVE) offers gift givers a chance to create a quirky, meaningful, and completely personalized present for someone they care about, whether a significant other or a best friend.
  • ISBN - 9781452158396
  • Ilość stron - 304
  • Rok wydania - 2016

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642 Things About You (That I Love) 44.32 DO SKLEPU
This journal extends the bestselling 642 Series and in particular the very popular tiny format. Capitalizing on the tiny formats impulse giftiness, 642 THINGS ABOUT YOU (THAT I LOVE) offers gift givers a chance to create a quirky, meaningful, and completely personalized present for someone they care about, whether a significant other or a best friend.
  • ISBN - 9781452158396
  • Ilość stron - 304
  • Rok wydania - 2016