Cornerstone Always only you

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Ren I'm a player on the team, she's on staff, and as long as we work together, dating is off-limits. Frankie won't be here forever - she's headed for bigger, better things. I just hope that when she leaves the team and I tell her how I feel, she won't want to leave me behind, too. Frankie Before I got wise, I would have tripped over myself to get a guy like Ren, but with my diagnosis, I've learned what I ...
  • ISBN - 9781804944653
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Autor - Chloe Liese

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Always Only You 46.38 DO SKLEPU
Ren I'm a player on the team, she's on staff, and as long as we work together, dating is off-limits. Frankie won't be here forever - she's headed for bigger, better things. I just hope that when she leaves the team and I tell her how I feel, she won't want to leave me behind, too. Frankie Before I got wise, I would have tripped over myself to get a guy like Ren, but with my diagnosis, I've learned what I am to most people in my life - a problem, not a person. Now, opening my heart to anyone is the last thing I'm prepared to do. And not even a guy as sweet as Ren can change that...
  • ISBN - 9781804944653
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Autor - Chloe Liese
  • Wydawnictwo - Cornerstone
  • Ilość stron - 368
  • Rok wydania - 2023