English Civil War

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A lavishly presented atlas of the English Civil Wars, the conflicts that ravaged the countryside of England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland from 1639 to 1651.The English Civil Wars (1638-51) comprised the deadliest conflict in history
  • ISBN - 9781472829726
  • Oprawa - twarda
  • Ilość stron - 368

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English Civil War 261.01 DO SKLEPU
A lavishly presented atlas of the English Civil Wars, the conflicts that ravaged the countryside of England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland from 1639 to 1651.The English Civil Wars (1638-51) comprised the deadliest conflict in history
  • ISBN - 9781472829726
  • Oprawa - twarda
  • Ilość stron - 368
  • Rok wydania - 2020