When i say yes marki Polity

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How should we talk about desire, power and equality in the wake of the #Me Too debate$229 For Carolin Emcke, bestselling author and winner of the German Peace Prize, the debate demonstrates one thing above all: a conversation about abuse and sexuality has emerged that can no longer be stifled.

Too many questions remain unanswered: which images and concepts shape our imaginings of desire and revulsion$230 How is violence exposed and obstructed$231 How do the norms and ...

  • ISBN - 9781509540884
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Autor - Carolin Emcke

Najlepsza cena - najtańsza oferta

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When I Say Yes 48.77 DO SKLEPU

How should we talk about desire, power and equality in the wake of the #Me Too debate$229 For Carolin Emcke, bestselling author and winner of the German Peace Prize, the debate demonstrates one thing above all: a conversation about abuse and sexuality has emerged that can no longer be stifled.

Too many questions remain unanswered: which images and concepts shape our imaginings of desire and revulsion$230 How is violence exposed and obstructed$231 How do the norms and structures into which men, women and those in between must fit get constructed$232 What gets hushed up, and who remains powerless$233 How can the plurality of desire and sexuality be expressed, without sacrificing their intricacies$234 aby interrogating her own experiences as well as social practices, music and literature, Emcke demonstrates the enduring complexity of the relationship between sexuality and truth.

  • ISBN - 9781509540884
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Autor - Carolin Emcke
  • Ilość stron - 120
  • Rok wydania - 2020